Weekly Variety

Cryptic Midi #2 (Gram’s Cryptic)

Susanna and I set this one for her grandmother for Christmas. She introduced both of us to cryptic crosswords a couple years ago, so this felt pretty special. Hope you enjoy too! Susanna had the great idea of putting individual clue explanations below the puzzle, so you can look there and not get spoiled for Cryptic Midi #2 (Gram’s Cryptic)

Nonogram #1

Rules: Color in the cells according to the numbers outside the grid. The numbers measure how many unbroken lines of colored-in squares there are in any given row or column. For example, a clue of “4 8 3” would mean there are sets of four, eight, and three filled squares, in that order, with at Nonogram #1

Snake Charmer #1

You can either solve below (which will tell you if you’ve solved it) or print out the image. Instructions: Answers are entered around the “S” clockwise. Clues complete 2 full cycles around. The clues and their locations in the grid are shown below. Clues and their locations in the grid: