Mini #365

Countdown: 0

I’m sorry if the countdown got your hopes up. This was a sad countdown, as I will no longer be posting daily mini crosswords. I’ll go into why, but first I’d like to thank a few folks.

I would like to give a huge thank you to someone who has done every single mini (and variety puzzle?) I’ve posted, and even some I haven’t. Susanna Faas-Bush (my fantastic partner) has been incredibly supportive of me and my puzzle-constructing efforts, especially so in the past year. I would say 99% of the daily minis were play-tested by her first. I may have had a bad habit of constructing the next day’s mini the night before, but she would stick with me and give great feedback even at 1AM (sorry!). Susanna even constructed her own mini for twosday last February during a particularly hectic week of mine.

Thank you to Paul Rudnicki, Will Benoit, and especially Jessica Lewis for being the initial guinea pigs of my puzzles before “Odd Bear Puzzles”. It was Jess’s push for and excitement about them that led me to try making weekly puzzles, which led to the “May Minis”, which turned into a year of minis!

Lekha Jananthan deserves a shoutout and thanks as well! I know she solved the minis daily because if I ever forgot to hit the “Post” button the night before, I’d get a reminder text in the morning, which was honestly great 🙂

Last but not least, I’d like to express my great appreciation for the one and only Varldin! I honestly had no idea who was solving my minis until she began commenting on them early on. Afterwards, I discovered that she streamed solving crosswords on Twitch! I had to make an account to follow her, and watching her solve my minis (sometimes with chat, sometimes on her own) has been something I look forward to during the week. She’s an amazing person and fellow constructor, so please check out her channel and blog!

What a year it has been — 365 consecutive days of mini crosswords! I know Joel Fagliano may have me beat, but I’m pretty chuffed. For me, this past year involved living in the Boston area, becoming an uncle, visiting family in Colorado (having a close call with the fire there) and Maine and Massachusetts, camping in Yosemite, skiing/playing smash in Jay, moving back into the Bay Area, getting my first car, and then relocating within the area. I did the math, and I most likely spent a total of over 20 days constructing minis. I also spent at least 105 days sleeping. I’m not sure what that indicates, but I thought it was a fun fact. While it’s been nice to have some time set aside for puzzles each day, and while it’s been an enjoyable creative outlet, I find myself wanting to have more time for other projects.

I’m not going to stop making puzzles, I’m just going to stop making daily minis (for now, who knows what’ll happen in the future?). So what’s next? I’ve got a few cryptic crossword minis that I haven’t yet written instructions to go along with that I would like to share soon (I said this in February too, so we’ll see). I’ve been considering doing a daily cryptic clue, a slightly less time-consuming daily puzzle to create. I’m particularly proud of the fill-in-the-clue minis from last September, so maybe I’ll make a larger version. I’ve got some ideas for 15×15 crosswords that I haven’t had time or motivation to explore. If you’re interested in commissioning or collaborating, please reach out!

Side-note: For all you completionists out there, at the bottom of the Minis page, you should be able to see which ones you have left to solve.

Without further ado, I’d like to present the mini to round out the year of minis, #365:


  • lolekha says:

    What a strong note to end on! As usual, it was a very satisfying mini.

    I’m sad to see the daily mini go, but thanks for a great year. I’ll be back whenever you post new puzzles. 🙂

    (Oh, and thanks for the shoutout too!)

    • jaudibert says:

      🙂 I’ll need to add a “subscribe to receive emails on new posts” feature going, now that it will be more sporadic

      Thanks for making the minis a part of your daily routine! Glad you’ve enjoyed them

  • Brenda Rose says:

    I SOOOOO much enjoyed you banging my head all these puzzles ago. Good luck for you, BooHoo for me.

  • Pete from Minnesota says:

    Thanks for a great year of solving Josh! I’ll miss this.

  • norah says:

    I haven’t solved them all (yet!), but every one that I have has been a delight. Congratulations on a year well done. I’m also open to collabs, and would love to explore the idea of 15x in the fitc september style – those were some of my favorites. Look forward to whatever you decide to do next. 🙂

    • jaudibert says:

      I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed them Norah (as I’ve enjoyed yours too)! Those fitc ones were very fun to make, and satisfying to watch others solve too (usually filling the grid in bits and pieces).

      Yeah, let’s collab! 😀

  • varldin says:

    Its been a ton of fun solving your crosswords on stream. Some of them were pretty tricky for both me and chat (I think my longest was 22 minutes I spent on one), while others I got quickly, and I enjoyed either learning some new things or otherwise seeing something I got almost instantly (still love that, by coincidence, the one on my birthday, June 13th, had JOJOS in it.)

    Will definitely be looking forward to future puzzles you do even if the daily minis won’t be a thing. I may also be interested in collaborating sometime too!

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